
Computed Javascript expressions in tokenized string
This type of tokenization uses a single-line Javascript expression that is placed on a text string. The expression to be evaluated must be placed in the @{{...}}@ construct and the result of its evaluation will be placed in the resulting string.
let tstring = "Next value: @{{variable + 1}}@";
let result = fcf.tokenize(tstring, {variable: 1});
Next value: 2
Variables passed in the second argument of the
Tokenization can be performed both on the browser side and on the NODEJS server side. On the browser side, a
let result = fcf.tokenize("@{{array.slice(0,2).length}}@", {array: [1,2,3]});
But calling the splice method on the server side, which performs array editing, will result in an error.
try {
fcf.tokenize("@{{array.splice(0,2).length}}@", {array: [1,2,3]});
} catch(e) {
Accessing a field on an invalid element in a command "array.splice(0,2)"
This approach allows you to safely execute calculation expressions that can be supplied from arbitrary sources.
Another distinctive feature of tokenization is the ability to return the original value of the calculation result. To do this, set the result option to "auto" in the third argument of the
let result = fcf.tokenize("@{{variable}}@", {variable: {field1: "value1"}}, {result: "auto"});
{ field1: 'value1' }
Translation constructs in tokenized string
Translation substitution constructs !{{...}}!. This type of substitution translates the substring placed in the !{{}}! to the user's language specified in the context (
fcf.getConfiguration().append ({
translations: [
language: "ja",
translations: {
"Hello world": "こんにちは世界",
fcf.getContext().language = "ja";
let result = fcf.tokenize("Text: !{{Hello world}}!");
Text: こんにちは世界
Inside the translation construct !{{...}}! it is allowed to use the declaration of the nested design construction @{{...}}@. This approach allows you to do translations for strings with changing data.
fcf.getConfiguration().append ({
translations: [
language: "ja",
translations: {
"Next value: @{{value + 1}}@": "次の値: @{{value + 1}}@",
fcf.getContext().language = "ja";
let result = fcf.tokenize("Text: !{{Next value: @{{value + 1}}@}}!", {value: 1});
Text: 次の値: 2
Adding global variables
In a tokenizer, server-side variables are accessed in read-only mode. In addition to the variables passed through the second argument, global variables are also available, only constants from
(fcf.isServer() ? global : window).globalVariable1 = "value1";
(fcf.isServer() ? global : window).globalVariable2 = { subitem: "value2" };
fcf.getConfiguration().append ({
tokenize: {
objects: {
"globalVariable1": "globalVariable1",
"globalVariable2": "globalVariable2.subitem",
let result1 = fcf.tokenize("Global variable 1: @{{globalVariable1}}@");
let result2 = fcf.tokenize("Global variable 2: @{{globalVariable2}}@");
Global variable 1: value1
Global variable 2: value2
As shown in the example, adding a variable is done by declaring a property in the
Adding functions to the tokenizer
As mentioned earlier, on the server side, when performing tokenization, access to calling functions and methods is allowed only for those functions that do not write data. The list of functions available for calling is predetermined in the framework configuration. This list is declared in the file fcf-framework- core:serverConfig.js. To add the ability to call a function from a tokenizer, you need to add an entry to the
string |[string ] object - the path to the global variable from which the function will be called.If the variable is equal to the empty string, then the call is made to the global function.
If the last element of the path is equal to the character "*", then permission to call functions on all subpaths is added. For example, if you set the following permission:
append ({ tokenize: { functions: [ { object: "*", allow: ["toString"], } ] } });This will allow calling the
toString method on any object.The
object property can be set to an array, in which case the first element of the array will be the path used in the tokenizer, and the second element will be a string describing the path to the actual variable. -
string ] allow - array of function names allowed to be called -
string class =undefined - If the property is set, then the method call is allowed only for objects derived from the given class.
Let's look at a few examples of adding functions to the tokenizer
Example: Example of adding a simple global function
function getString() {
return "Hello world";
(fcf.isServer() ? global : window).getString = getString;
fcf.getConfiguration().append ({
tokenize: {
functions: [
object: "",
allow: ["getString"],
let result = fcf.tokenize("Value: @{{ getString() }}@");
Value: Hello world
In the above example, the function
Example: An example of adding a function located in a global object
If a function is stored in a global object, then the
(fcf.isServer() ? global : window).Namespace = {
getString: () => {
return "Hello world";
fcf.getConfiguration().append ({
tokenize: {
functions: [
object: "Namespace",
allow: ["getString"],
let result = fcf.tokenize("Value: @{{ Namespace.getString() }}@");
Value: Hello world
Example: Adding a class with selective resolution of executable methods
To add a class to the tokenizer, you need to add permission to execute the
class Class {
constructor() {
this.value = 1;
return "Hello world";
(fcf.isServer() ? global : window).Class = Class;
fcf.getConfiguration().append ({
tokenize: {
functions: [
"object": "*",
"class": "Class",
"allow": ["constructor", "getString"],
let propertyValue = fcf.tokenize("Value: @{{(new Class()).value}}@");
let methodGetString = fcf.tokenize("getString: @{{object.getString()}}@", {object: new Class()});
Value: 1
getString: Hello world
Example: An example of adding a class with all methods
If all methods can be executed in a class, then full permission can be used for the declaration in the configuration by setting the allow option to ["*"]
class Class {
constructor() {
this.value = 1;
return "Hello world";
(fcf.isServer() ? global : window).Class = Class;
fcf.getConfiguration().append ({
tokenize: {
functions: [
"object": "*",
"class": "Class",
"allow": ["*"],
let propertyValue = fcf.tokenize("Value: @{{(new Class()).value}}@");
let methodGetString = fcf.tokenize("getString: @{{object.getString()}}@", {object: new Class()});
Value: 1
getString: Hello world
fcf.pattern function
In addition to the
let result = fcf.pattern("@{ {value: arg1} }@", {arg1: 1});
{ value: 1 }
fcf.inlineExecution function
If you need to safely execute a single-line Javascript command, you can use the
let result = fcf.inlineExecution("arg1 ? 'Yes' : 'No'", {arg1: 1});