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fcf.NLock.isLockFile() function

[SERVER ONLY] fcf.NLock.isLockFile(string a_filePath, function a_cb)
[SERVER ONLY] fcf.NLock.isLockFile(number a_fileHandle, function a_cb)

Package: fcf-framework-lock

File: fcf-framework-lock:index.js

Available from version: 1.0.0

Checks if a file is locked.


string a_filePath
- The path to a file.

number a_fileHandle
- The open file handle returned by the FS.open() function

function a_cb
- The function of processing the result of the function execution.

Function signature: a_cb(Error|undefined a_error, boolean a_isLocked)

  • Error|undefined a_error - Error object.

  • boolean a_isLocked - true if the file has a lock.

Example: Function application

let libUtil = require("util"); let libLock = require("fcf-framework-lock"); async function main(){ if (await libUtil.promisify(libLock.isLockFile)("index.js")){ console.log("File is locked"); } else { console.log("File is not locked"); } let lock = await libUtil.promisify(libLock.lockFile)("index.js"); if (await libUtil.promisify(libLock.isLockFile)("index.js")){ console.log("File is locked"); } else { console.log("File is not locked"); } await libUtil.promisify(libLock.unlockFile)(lock); } main();


File is not locked File is locked