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fcf.parseStack() function

[{file,function,line,column}] fcf.parseStack(string|Error a_stack)

Package: fcf-framework-core

File: fcf-framework-core:fcf.js

Available from version: 2.0.2

Parses a string containing information about the stack obtained from Error.stack


string|Error a_stack
- A string containing the stack or error object
- An array containing objects with information about function calls. The object contains the following properties:
  • string file - JS file from which the call was made

  • string function - The name of the function that was called

  • number line - Line number in the file

  • number column - Column in file

Example: Function application

let stackInfo = fcf.parseStack(new Error()); console.log(stackInfo);


[ { function: 'Object.test', line: '13', column: '36', file: '/home/user/application/parseStack.js' }, { function: 'fcf.Actions.', line: '615', column: '26', file: '/home/user/application/node_modules/fcf-framework-unitest/unitest.js' }, { function: 'fcf.Actions._execute', line: '3125', column: '24', file: '/home/user/application/node_modules/fcf-framework-core/fcf.js' }, { function: 'fcf.Actions.then', line: '2575', column: '16', file: '/home/user/application/node_modules/fcf-framework-core/fcf.js' }, ...