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fcf.resolveEx() function

{object, key} fcf.resolveEx(object a_obj, string|[string|object] a_path, boolean a_createObj = false)

Package: fcf-framework-core

File: fcf-framework-core:fcf.js

Available from version: 2.0.2

Returns information about the subobject at the given path, and optionally creates subobjects at the specified path if it is not present in the source object.


object a_obj
- Source object

string|[string|object] a_path
- The path to the subfield to extract. See the path format in the description of the function fcf.parseObjectAddress

boolean a_createObj = false
- If true, then if the subobject in which the subfield is searched is not found, then a field of the corresponding type will be created (an array or an object, as specified in the path parameters).
{object, key}
- Returns an object with information about the selected field

Object properties:

  • object object - The object containing the found subfield
  • string object - Object containing found subfield

If an object containing the given field is not found and the a_createObj argument is false, then the object property is undefined

Example: Function application

{ let object = { field1: { field2: "value", } } let ref = fcf.resolveEx(object, "field1.field2"); console.log(ref.object[ref.key]); }



Example: Subfield creation mode

{ let object = {} let ref = fcf.resolveEx(object, "field1.field2", true); console.log("Reference:", ref); console.log("Source:", object); } console.log(""); console.log("Creating an array"); { let object = {} let ref = fcf.resolveEx(object, "[[field1]].field2", true); console.log("Reference:", ref); console.log("Source:", object); }


Reference: { key: 'field2', object: {} } Source: { field1: {} } Creating an array Reference: { key: 'field2', object: [] } Source: { field1: [] }