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fcf.Configuration class

Base class: fcf.EventEmitter

Package: fcf-framework-core

File: fcf-framework-core:fcf.js

Available from version: 2.0.2

A class that provides functionality for storing and expanding configuration parameters.

Detailed description

Configuration parameters are stored as public fields of the object

For details on adding configuration parameters, see Configuration

Events dispatched from the fcf.EventEmitter base class
update_after - Called when the configuration is updated after changes have been made.
update_before - Called when the configuration is updated, before changes are made
constructor({configuration, enableDefaultParams} a_options)
- Class constructor
appendPackage(object|fcf.Configuration a_config)
- Adds a configuration to an object as package data. Used to set initial values.
append(object|fcf.Configuration a_config)
- Adds a configuration to an object